Thursday, October 14, 2010

Love rain, but it is troublesome..

Yes, as you all know today was and is raining. I love rain. The feeling of the raindrops when it touches your skin. It is very troublesome though.

Going to school was a pain, especially when I have to go in the morning now. For the next two weeks it's morning classes. I don't mind, because my instructor's pretty cute. Other then that, it's taking the bus. Yesterday was my first day of the morning class. Almost got hit by a bus. I crossed the road on the crosswalk, not the lights, it was clear so I crossed. Bus stopped to let others in, I ran to catch it. Right when I got to the other side, still on the road, the bus driver let go of his brakes and the bus moved. Almost hit me. He stopped and looked at me and just left, didn't even pick me up! After that, almost twisted my ankle by walking on the curb. Waited another 15 mins for the other bus, got to school half an hour late. I don't like that at all. I hate being late! Today was worse. No, I didn't get hit by anything or twisted anything. I left extra early today for school. Got to the bus stop, and exactly 4 buses went by and wouldn't pick me and a few others up. Damn bus was too full. Even when it's not really THAT full, they still didn't stop. I hate that. I was late again. AGAIN!!! Oh well, at least I went to school and didn't ditch, although I was planning it. Tomorrow, I'm going to leave EXTRA early, earlier then I did today, I want to get there early. After school, met up with my best friend, Victoria, who I've known since Grade 7. So met up with her, went to Swiss Chalet, then walked around the mall. It was fun, met another friend, Jenny, who was working today, talked for a long time. Then a commotion happened between a black girl and guy. They were bickering, yelling, yea it was awesome, lol. Everyone stopped and stared, it was like a movie to them, except it's live. All I hear is the black girl yelling "IT'S OVER!", "WE'RE THROUGH!", "!@#$#@!". Yes, all the profanity you want to hear when your kids around. I find it very amusing, hilarious. Now the black guy on the other hand was yelling, but I did not understand a single word he said. Not to be racist or anything, but it's hard to understand black people talk. Some of them sound like they just made up a new language called Gibberish. Wait, is that a language at all, or just gibberish? Do I make any sense at all? Anyway, back to my day, after the commotion we went to PJ's Pet Store. Saw this cute wittle puppy!! I wanted it, if my mom wasn't highly allergic to animal fur, I'd steal it =). After going "ohhh", "awww", "look at that cute puppy/kitten!!", and "I want it!", we went to the food court and waited for a ride back. We saw our high school music teacher, Mr.Sylvester, he's an awesome music teacher, awesome teacher period. We didn't say hi, he was with someone, but it was nice to see him. Then ride came, and we went home. =) The end.

How'd you like my day? Hope you had a great day, or better then mine I suppose. Overall it was an alright day for me, other then coming home with a MASSIVE stomach pain. Can anyone tell me how to post pics up? I want to post the cute wittle puppy on here!! Toddles!!


  1. you owe me a shopping date

    putting pics are simple, i'll show you!

  2. Yes I do owe you a shopping date.. When will you show me????
